

how bytecitadel & it's projects came into being

how bytecitadel & it's projects came into being



Sept 14, 2024

this is a free event, and it's open to all college students


Go Apply



May 13, 2024
Rearranging office again for optimal space management + Back-end Architecture discussions



May 3, 2024
Basic functionality (Authentication + Create Posts) + Automating Tesseract (State Of The Art) Algorithm) Image to Text Extraction (its really fast)



April 29, 2024
Automated Scraping + UEFA Champions League (Real Madrid as mandatory as business) + Company site up n' running



April 14, 2024
Company website ideation randomly comes into being (preferred over any generic site) + Kavyan finally gets to contribute to Figma projects



March 26 2024
Integrating themes (Figma Prototypes) + Failed to code prototype screen in Flutter as seen in Figma (started looking for Low-Code tools as an alternative approach) + Fluff visits office



March 11, 2024
Work load triples + Structural work division & testing college student's psychological engagement metrics + checking our favourable exponentials for market fit



Febraury 20, 2024
Desk discussion & decisions
Everything broken down to first principle, from revisiting old design class notes for better business logo, breaking down functionality and features of other competitor apps to deciding geographical dependency of targeting business that thrive just on college students. Somehow the desk table was the centre of initiating discussions



January 31, 2024
Ending the month with perfect office.



January 20, 2024
Embracing the Hacker Culture
Working around the clock with a newly arranged setup and ambient lighting, we’re blending aesthetics with productivity. While aiming to get everything just right, we know that learning from mistakes is part of the journey.



January 11, 2024
Fresh Faces, Office Rituals, and System Testing
Welcoming new talent! Samya joins as a Flutter Intern, and Kavyan steps in as the UX Design Intern. Lunchtime? It’s officially "The Office Sessions" – mandatory, of course. Meanwhile, testing of NLP models (LangChain & LlamaIndex) is underway on the upgraded system, running everything locally pushing the GPUs.



January 6, 2024
Insufficient computational led to another upgrade + embracing the fast-pace
More powerful system with 50 GB of RAM and dual VRAM (8 GB + 12 GB) configured with asynchronous GPU emulation for better thread management. While we hit a small bump with some downtime, we're now set for faster, more efficient performance moving forward!



January 1, 2024
Office addition: Desktop update (with high-end GPU) + the "lazy Accessory" (bean bag)
Added some serious firepower to our workspace. New desktop comes packed with an Nvidia GPU, 36 GB of RAM, 8 GB of VRAM, and a Samsung matte LED screen. Plus, the Logitech MX Keys X – the keyboard of every developer’s dreams.

And for when we need to think in comfort, there's a new bean bag – the perfect “lazy” accessory to balance all that power!






December 11, 2023
Office Move + Whiteboard
A swift decision was made to rent an office space—because sometimes, home just doesn't cut it for productivity. And of course, no office is complete without a mandatory whiteboard.



November 6, 2023
Drafting the Blueprint
After a brief pause to finalise company incorporation, the app’s functionality and flow have been outlined—at least in draft form. Moving forward, one step at a time.



November 2, 2023
First theme and components design draft on Figma
After more than a month of dedicated work on Figma, designs and themes have been crafted with care, drawing inspiration from gradients and "rounded corners" to create a visually compelling experience.



October 18, 2023
10,000 cumulative student audience across 13 college pages on Instagram.
Adding over 800+ students every month till it reached 10K in various college confession pages. This marked a significant checkpoint as this was the moment where to let go of the academic pursuits abroad and get involve in this full-time. Little did we know what was ahead.



September 25, 2023
System Upgrade Boosts Productivity.
A recent system upgrade has led to a noticeable boost in productivity—tripling efficiency. Because sometimes, a little enhancement is all it takes.



September 23, 2023
Where It All Began.
It all started at a simple, unofficial desktop setup—where tech stack and design choices were first made, marking the start of the journey.
Tech Stack: front end - Flutter, back end - Django + RESTful API



